Bookshelf Style of A Busy Restauranteur
Photo: Jenny Kayne If you are not a Seattle native or resident, you might not...

Fashion Imitates Book Art
BuzzFeed pairs Fashion and Books in a great tribute to two art forms that go...

Book Readers' Winterland
A New Year marks a fresh start. And Winter, which already makes us leave the house...

5 Festive Holiday Bookshelves
Deck your bookshelves today with festive and colorful holiday decor. Give them a little holiday flair...

Jacob Elordi is a Huge Reader
While quarantining at his family home in Australia, Kissing Booth’s actor Jacob Elordi has been...

Old Song That Keeps Sounding True
A song written in 1967 is being replayed in airwaves and personal iPhones as an...

Quarantine: Scavengers' Hunts
Are the long stay-in-place days driving you insane? Cooking non-stop makes you want to burn...

Musicians Memes Against the Pandemic
Memes, our ultimate answer to crisis, isolation, and desperation. Our staff has been sending them...

Celebrities Recommend Books
Celebrities, as most of us book fans, love to share the books they are reading....

Emma Hides Copies of Little Women
As she has done in the past, Emma Watson is at it again, hiding books...

All Smiles at Little Women's Premieres
Stars attend the 'Little Women' world premiere. They hold hands while posing for the press,...

Little Women's Fans Non-Stop Rave
It is a non-stop rave fest for Little Women. You have all read how critics...

A Modern Take on Shakespeare’s Juliet
Love has many faces, but just one name. LOOKING FOR JULIET Last May, legendary Italian...

The Runaway Success Of ‘Big Little Lies’
It’s an understatement to say that it’s very hard for a book to get people...

Colbert Nerding Out on Tolkien
Photo: Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images From left: Stephen Colbert, Dome Karukoski, Lily Collins and Nicholas Hoult...