
Posted by Padmore Editorial


As a teacher, it was a pleasant surprise to find that revered historical figures such as Frederick Douglass and Rosa Sparks were getting attention by young people. What was more surprising was the way they have decided to honor the memories of these famous persons: Wearing their words on t-shirts. Or I should rather say, an interpretation of their words adapted for modern times. Genius. 

I have to admit that I even bought one of this t-shirts for myself, even though I can't be categorized as young anymore. But is the message that counts, not the messenger, right? So I wear mine proudly, and smile every time a youngster ask me: Where did you get that t-shirt?

Here are a couple of my favorite ones. I can vividly imagine Harriet Tubman shouting to her fellow escapees: WE OUT! Can't you? 








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